

Full name of the Company(in Polish)
China-Poland Centrum Wspó³pracy Gospodarczej spó³ka z ograniczon± odpowiedzialno¶ci±
Full name of the Company(in English)
China-Poland Economic Cooperation Centre Ltd.

Company's registered office
61-039 Poznañ, ul. Witkowska 6
tel. + 48 61 6535840
fax + 48 61 6535841

Registration Authority
Local Court in Poznan XXI Economic Department
KRS 0000125182

Nominal Capital
71 500 PLN

Sebastian Stasiuk – President of the Board
Robert Urbaniak – Vice-president of the Board

Basic activity area
Consulting services concerning carrying on a business and management.

Representative Office
China-Poland Economic Co-operation Centre–Shanghai Representative Office in brief CPECC-Shanghai seated in Shanghai, China.

Room1805,Second Building,Jialibuyecheng,No.218,Tianmu West Road,
Shanghai 200070,
tel.: + 86 21 63174899
fax: + 86 21 63174899

Company's history

China-Poland Economic Co-operation Centre Ltd. was set up in March 2002 on initiative of specialists, who have actively cooperated for many years with Chinese entrepreneur in Poland and in China.

Company is managed by highly qualified managers with significant experience in management and realization of projects in Poland and in China.

In October 2002 Board of the Company made a decision to set up Representative Office in People's Republic of China. Shanghai was chosen for Office's seat. Project realization started in December 2002.